Schemes under Soil Conservation department 2020-2022

Updated On: N/A Time: N/A

Overall Progress Report

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Project Activity Progress

Project Description

• Const. of GCP at Jabangapathar paddy field • Const. of GCP at Bamunjuli near Kalicharan Thakuria paddy field • Const. of GCP at Udmari (Batabari) near Ujit Rabha paddy field • Const. of RCC canal from Batabari L.P. School to Mwkhnabari village • Water distribution canal at No.1 Sonajuli • Gully control project at Ghogajan No.1 Bwinara village • Water harvesting and distribution project at Muamari(Niz Ambagaon) • RCC check dam at No.1 Phuhurabari near Promod Deka house • No.2 Kadabil gully control project • Gully control cum water harvesting project at Saderi village • Gully control cum water harvesting project at Pub-Bangnabari village • Gully control cum water harvesting project at Belguri village • Erosion protection project ar Sonadong near weekly market 2No Goreswar village • Const. of Nishlabari boulder pitching project at Purana Mushalpur village • Gully control cum erosion protection project at Surupar village • Const of Mora River Training project cum Boulder pitching at Naosali • Const. of RCC check dam at village Kaliakur • Gully control cum water harvesting project at Hudukata (Atoliyapara) village • Shyamaguri Borjhora Water Harvesting Project Water Distribution- cum- Water Harvesting project at Laodonga Gilajhar • Ghaska Soil Conservation Project • Protection of Riverine land cum land dev. project at Soraisor • Hazarika Integrated Soil & Water Conservation Project • River bank erosion control cum plantation project at Aie River near Hagrama bridge of Chirang district • Dababi water harvesting project at Dababil • Domgaon water harvesting • Mozati Riveriene LDP at Dologaon village • Uzani river bank erosion control under Basugaon Dev Block • Boulder pitching at Dhalandha & Jhalrbispani • Land dev & Soil erosion control project under Sidli Dev Block • Bengtol Water harvesting project village Kumguri

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Project Title:

Schemes under Soil Conservation department 2020-2022

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Departmental Projects

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